LinkedIn is primarily used to boost outreach – but there is an entirely different side to it regarding lead generation; when you bring automated LinkedIn outreach into it, the entire game changes. Did you know that LinkedIn is the most popular platform for B2B social media? This includes paid distribution and organic as well. LinkedIn has more than 830 million users all around the globe, and with the touch of a screen, you can connect to all of them.

B2B Lead Generation Strategies: What Is It And How LinkedIn Helps

LinkedIn itself is a platform that helps people network. You can get hired, seek new jobs, connect with potential prospects or share important market information with your partners. That sounds like a lot of helpful stuff from an app.

People review your profile for what it is worth and decide whether or not they want to invest in you. Lead generation is where we convince them you are worth investing in. You can chase many more leads with LinkedIn due to the nature of the app – it is based around networking, and it can help you expand or find work, even out your cash flow for the month. It is particularly significant for B2B purposes and freelancers.

So, LinkedIn is the platform – how do we use it?

The Best Lead Generation Strategies 

You want to be aware of your online presence and how similar/different it is to other companies with high lead generation rates. This means taking care of how you look to your potential audience, right? That is where your corporate profile and SDR profile come into play – among other tactics.

Your Corporate Profile 

This is just an introduction. You need to make this concise, don’t just tell people what you do – tell them why what you do works for people like them. If you are a personal trainer, you are expected to offer personal training.  What’s your specialty, though? Personalization? Then put it in your bio! You offer customized plans and solutions set up to the individual customer’s every preference – and you now have an audience; people who want flexible personal training. You want to keep this informative, concise, and evaluative – and CATCHY. It has to attract people’s attention; jotting down boring corporate jargon will not do that. Bring a human element to your bio! 

Your sales development representative Profile

The corporate profile might be an intro that turns heads, but the SDR is where it is at. If you are confused about an SDR Profile, check out the FAQ section at the end of this article. Back to what we were saying – your SDR profile is ALL about communication and lead generation. This is essentially the thing that will keep someone’s heads turned, and their eyes stuck on you; this is what will convince them fully.

Other businesses will be affected by the same problems and inconveniences you are – you need to talk about your services in-depth here and how they help those businesses overcome those problems. Tell everyone what you do, how you do it, and why it works – you do not need to reach out to them anymore or catch their attention; you need to convince them to put real money and value in you.

Your SDR will help you do this a LOT – strive for professionalism when you make it, and update it regularly. People want to know whether or not you are caught up in current events, but businesses want to know if you have adapted to them. 

Constantly update your SDR and make it as attractive as possible – this will help with your cold calling and emailing a lot and increase lead generation. Now, a good SDR profile needs to have a hint of emotional intelligence in it. Use videos to guide your  B2B prospects through the entire sales pipeline and show self-awareness – this is an attempt at two businesses benefitting from each other, so show that. 

Working Together With Other Businesses

Working together with other businesses in the market is an incredible way to boost your leads. Firstly, you pool both your leads; they get your audience, and you get theirs. You also get to pool all kinds of resources: marketing, market information, sales pipelines, their B2B strategies, if they use automated LinkedIn outreach, and what their HRM looks like – how are they making the best use of their people? How are they bringing value to the table? 

Look to businesses in the same industry and see who you think you can work with; it might help you more than you think! Do not invest too much, though! There is an oversaturation of marketing and advertising on all these platforms, so you do not want to invest so much in it that you cannot gain it all back due to everyone trying the same thing.

Make Your Outreach Personalized 

People on LinkedIn find it hard to trust potential prospects due to how much spam occurs, and this is what you do NOT want to come off as. Make your DMS, content, posts, messages, and connection requests unique by adding that human element. When potential prospects that could benefit from the services you offer see your outreach, they won’t just mark it off as spam – they’ll look.

Everything is becoming increasingly digitilized now. It all depends on your virtual footprint and how you can use today’s dynamic global environment to reach the people – the only thing we have in common is that almost everyone is on their phone. This led to more global self-expression, creating a similar standard for businesses. More and more B2B lead generation strategies are oriented around relatability and appearing human, not corporate. Try to incorporate that into your outreach, so you stand out from the spam and the rest too!

Email Automation for Business 

Do not underestimate email outreach – it is still a viable form of lead generation, and thousands of businesses worldwide use it to this day. Get your strategy in place, though! You need a good header that stands out, so it should reflect you and the purpose of your email pretty well. Try making it snappy.

You need an email list – list all the potential leads and prospects you want to reach out to. Doing it manually is unnecessary labor and time you can spend cultivating other parts of your business – we’ll leave the content to you, but using tools like Lemlist is only the beginning of tapping into the potential of automated LinkedIn outreach.

There is not a thing you cannot automate now – from emails, messages, connection requests, and posts, and it will look entirely human too. LinkedIn automation tools have changed the game for people who rely on it, and the B2B side of LinkedIn is not any different. Make the most of various free automation tools and software to send personalized content constantly while you focus on getting your business out there! 

Showcase Pages For Audience 

LinkedIn recently added this feature, which you want to keep in mind for lead generation. It allows you to show off any brand that works as an off-shoot of your core company. It could be a product or service you are trying to promote on the side or an extension of your product portfolio. 

LinkedIn added these intending to facilitate a virtual platform that allows you to build a relationship with an audience while keeping the bigger picture in mind – one where both can benefit and represent what they can do. 

Showcase pages divide your audience; there might be some services you offer or products you offer that target completely different audiences. You do not want to put them all in the same marketing plan, so you divide and conquer – make specific showcase pages for specific parts of your business.

Take advantage of the advanced people search

It lets you filter out relationships, years of experience, seniority level, what you are interested in, and the size of the company you are reaching out to – it even lets you narrow it down to the postal code.  The biggest benefit of advanced people search is that it lets you filter your searches by productive information you need – such as the current and past company, any non-profit interests, and the languages they know.

This helps you save a lot of time you would otherwise waste narrowing people down – you cut right through to your audience instead of wading through profiles and hoping for just one more lead. And if you do not find any prospects this way, it still saves you time by getting you to that conclusion much faster than you normally would – so you can then spend that saved time looking in other places for your audience. Use it to narrow down targets for your automated LinkedIn outreach

Frequently Ask Question Section

Lead generation is honestly the goal of everyone on LinkedIn, so there is not a fixed way to do it – the variety in methods, the business jargon, the tech talk, all of it can be pretty confusing and overwhelming to understand and understand the process.

Confusion like that breeds questions, and there is no shortage of people trying to get answers, so we have made this section for you – to answer anything you may not have understood in the article and popular questions in general!

What Does An SDR Do?

They essentially cultivate and nurture your leads. Just obtaining a lead, as a sales rep would, is not enough – and each company has its own sales pipeline.  Sales Development Representatives see what part of the process your prospect is stuck in; and what you can do to cultivate that lead further. The job’s function is based on lead generation; you should think of it as someone who manages all your prospects right now, right until those prospects buy your service or product or invest in you!

What Other Platforms Can I Use? 

LinkedIn is a great place to network and connect with people, but it is not the only platform left. Your emails, texts, and blog posts – all your written content? LinkedIn is great (although you should spread it elsewhere too). Try Facebook and Instagram for visual ads and graphic content – they are popular forums for B2B businesses.

What’s A Sales Pipeline? 

A sales pipeline shows how many prospects you have and where they are in the purchasing process. It’s just a corporate way of saying how many eggs you have and when they’ll hatch – though you can use it to get them to hatch faster, or if we drop the metaphor, move along the purchasing process.

People use data from their sales pipelines to manage different prospects and maximize lead generation, so don’t forget yours.

What Kind Of Content Is Most Effective?

Visual content draws many more people than text, but if you want to get the best value out of your advertisement, it would be better to prioritize video content. Make it engaging! Take influences from today’s mainstream media – the things in the limelight right now are all things that people can relate to, and a video of you just talking and explaining your services might not cut it.

Ask yourself – “would it catch my eye if it immediately came up in my feed?” if your answer is yes, you are probably good to go! Remember to keep your target audience in mind and curate content according to their liking.

If your audience is younger, a great way to do so is to work with influencers and create more engaging and personalized video content! 


Lead generation can be very tricky, and it can honestly feel like you are just throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks… and that is exactly what it is. 

However, we have forecasts, market trends, automation, data, and advice from experts on creating engaging content to answer the all-time question: how do I increase my lead generation? So don’t tense up; those leads will go higher!